The topic of illegal immigration is the kind of gray-area topic I absolutely love because hearing/readying peoples opinions on it always gets me fired up! I think that’s because I’m constantly at war with myself about it so it’s interesting to know other peoples opinions. I like this piece by Checks and Balances. Although there is a lack of article backup and information about what exactly they’ve been reading - there is a TON of literature out there.
This entry does stir up feelings for me though. For instance, I totally agree that because illegal immigration can be such a uniquely different issue in every state (Cuban immigration in Florida, Mexican immigration here…) it should be treated as such. It would be difficult to design an acceptable piece of legislation to deal with immigration in each state as well as the country as a whole. The problem of immigration has so many levels to it, it can be intimidating.
I wish the ideal resolution of everyone coming here legally was a reality. However, on an emotional level I’ve seen the families that run here and the hard times they are escaping. I currently live with someone whose grandparents came to Florida from Cuba. Ive heard the stories of what they are trying to escape and though I know that what they did so many years ago may’ve been illegal, I can’t help but be glad they succeeded. At the same time I’ve seen those who aren’t running from a miserable place but are coming here because they figured how to exploit this country and use it to their advantage. Those are the people I wish would be found and forced to leave. However, there is no way to separate the two. The fact of the matter is there is no way to weed out the bad from the good. Our country also relies too heavily on the illegal immigrants we already have and if we removed those who came here illegally we would be hard pressed to find anyone willing to do the “dirty” jobs we hate! That is probably a little bit too… bold to say but it’s the horrible truth. We as Americans have been spoiled by yard crews that mow our lawns for us and roofing companies as well as various other services we take for granted that are staffed by people willing to brave conditions we wouldn’t. Not to mention, this is what our country has done for most of history. We use the impoverished to get things done that we don’t want to do. (Now I’m just ranting again.)
Anyway, While I agree strongly that immigrants need to come here legally and if they are caught here illegally they should either be deported or the situation should be corrected immediately somehow. Sadly, I know that our country may not be ready for that yet, and I know for sure that our government isn’t because if our government really wanted illegal immigrants out of the country - they’d be gone already. Also, I very much like the idea of dealing with things on a state by state basis! This is my new favorite idea! Although, I do kind of fear how Texas would handle it if given the opportunity.
All in all, I think that Checks and Balances did a great job! I enjoyed it very much and think they put their opinion into words very nicely.